ECB Gide - IDE Interface for Z80 ECB Systems

Board Picture

Sometime in the first quarter of 2006 i tried to recover my old Prof80 CP/M Z80 System. After i had the system up ad running from floppy disk i thought about adding a harddisk to it. Till Rehmann designed an universal ide interface for Z80 systems. It was implemented as an adapter that fits into a z80 cpu socket but i wanted to have a card for the ecb bus. The original design used pal's but i dont have a programmer for pals. I found another implementation where the original schematic was used to program a xilinx cpld (9572). I thought i could use this one without modifications but it did not work for me, the access to the 16 bit data of the ide disk was not working.

Ok, why not implementing the stuff in vhdl ? I never worked with vhdl before but the language did not look very complicated. After some evenings i had the first code that worked fine in the emulator and i tried it on real hardware. It worked, but only sometimes. Up to now, i dont really understand it. With help from vhdl gurus on i got tips that spikes may produce this behavior, after inserting some latches it finally worked with tillmanns ide test program written in turbo pascal. (VHDL Source for viewing or Download)

The next step was writing a CPM3 bios and a loader. I decided to use some kind of partition table and a master table on the disk. The master boot record contains the boot code, data about the disk geometry and a partition table. The first sector of the disk is read without initializing the disk to a specific geometry, hope that this works with all disks (i tried 2 or 3 drives and it worked).

Structure of the first sector

Offset Length Contents Description

0000 170
Boot Code
0170 3 'CPM' Id
0173 6
Reserved, filled with zeros
0179 2
Disk number of tracks
017B 1
Disk number of heads
017C 1
Disk number of sectors per track
017D 1
Boot Partition Number

017E 2
Start track of Partition 0 (always head 0,Sector 1)
0180 2
Partition 0 length in tracks
0182 2
Start track of Partition 1 (always head 0,Sector 1)
0184 2
Partition length in tracks
0186 2
Start track of Partition 2 (always head 0,Sector 1)
0188 2
Partition length in tracks
018A 2
Start track of Partition 3 (always head 0,Sector 1)
018C 2
Partition length in tracks
018E 2
Start track of Partition 4 (always head 0,Sector 1)
0190 2
Partition length in tracks
0192 2
Start track of Partition 5 (always head 0,Sector 1)
0194 2
Partition length in tracks
0196 2
Start track of Partition 6 (always head 0,Sector 1)
0198 2
Partition length in tracks
019A 2
Start track of Partition 7 (always head 0,Sector 1)
019C 2
Partition length in tracks
019E 2
Start track of Partition 8 (always head 0,Sector 1)
01A0 2
Partition length in tracks
01A2 2
Start track of Partition 9 (always head 0,Sector 1)
01A4 2
Partition length in tracks
01A6 2
Start track of Partition 10 (always head 0,Sector 1)
01A8 2
Partition length in tracks
01AA 2
Start track of Partition 11 (always head 0,Sector 1)
01AC 2
Partition length in tracks
01AE 2
Start track of Partition 12 (always head 0,Sector 1)
01B0 2
Partition length in tracks
ß1B2 2
Start track of Partition 13 (always head 0,Sector 1)
01B4 2
Partition length in tracks
01B6 2
Start track of Partition 14 (always head 0,Sector 1)
01B8 2
Partition length in tracks
01BA 2
Start track of Partition 15 (always head 0,Sector 1)
01BC 2
Partition length in tracks

The following 4 entries are only for linux compat

this should allow reading the first 4 partitions under linux
01BE 10

1 Boot 1 byte Boot Indicator

1 head 1 byte 0..FF

1 sector upper bits for track, 6 bits sector (0..63)

1 track lower 8 bit of track

1 sysid 52h for CP/M

1 headend

1 secend

1 trackend

4 relstartsec

4 relsecs relative length in sectors

01CE 10 drive

head 0..FF

sector upper bits for track, 6 bits sector (0..63)

track lower 8 bit of track






relsecs relative length in sectors

01DE 10 drive

head 0..FF

sector upper bits for track, 6 bits sector (0..63)

track lower 8 bit of track






relsecs relative length in sectors

01EE 10 drive

head 0..FF

sector upper bits for track, 6 bits sector (0..63)

track lower 8 bit of track






relsecs relative length in sectors

01FE 2 55h AAh Linux compat

The table may contain up to 16 CPM partitions. To allow accessing the first 4 partitions from linux, there are compat fields but they are not yet filled. I wrote a simple fdisk in pascal that can create the partition structure.

The boot process works as follows:

The first sector of a partition contains the disk format and the cpm loader sits after this table:

Offset Length Contents Description
000 6 'CPM3AD' Signature
006 2 SPT total number of 128-byte logical records per track (all heads)
008 1 BSH Data allocation block shift factor
009 1 BLM Block mask
00A 1 EXM Extent mask
00B 2 DSM one less than the total number of blocks on the drive, less than or equal to 7FFFH
00D 2 DRM number of directory entries minus one
00F 1 AL0 reserved directory blocks
010 1 AL1
011 2 CKS 8000h = fixed media, size of the directory check vector
013 2 OFF reserved tracks, should be 1
015 1 PSH physical record shift factor
016 1 PHM physical record mask
017 9
Reserved, Zeros
020 1
Description Length
021 14h
Description, max 20 chars

As you can see, this is the dpb used by cpm3. The ide bios sets the dpb from this table when the login function is called from cpm. There are some maximums that can be set, see ide.z80 for details. Btw, i converted most of the files to z80 and i'm using the slr assembler. Currently i'm using the loader from DR, i also tried ZPM3LDR but it did not work ?


Gide CPM3 Bios, MBR, Loader, Prof80 Monitor and fdisk
Eagle (4.16) Files
Xilinx ISE project with vhdl source

last change Nov 30, 2007 Armin. Impressum